Your journey begins with believing in yourself!

Intro Package
"Rise and Shine"

Who am I? What’s my purpose? Why am I not happy? What’s missing? Why can’t I?

Are you feeling bound by the ways of your culture, religion, and society? Being put down for wanting to follow your own passions and dreams? Pressured or guilted into a career or marriage, not of your choice?

Sound familiar? You are not alone!

Do you want to pursue your dreams and desires? I am the coach/mentor/rebel that can get you there!

Connect with me using the link above to have a conversation with me and I can help you unpack what’s holding you back.

My name is Kaveeta, and I have spent the better part of my life living the way others expected me to. I fell into the rules of society and my culture until I decided that for me to truly find peace and happiness in my life, I needed to start breaking these rules that were not my truth!

Being raised in 2 cultures, we can often find ourselves questioning the ideals and decisions of what we should and could do or not do. We have our own minds, our own wants, and our own desires, but get stuck by the pressures put on us by family, culture, and religion.

It is not easy standing up for yourself when you have family generations who have lived by one way of thinking and doing and judging. Feeling strong, independent, and confident is a real struggle! One I understand too well.

The world has changed, society has changed, and you have the choice to change too!

Now you are thinking… Where do I start? What bridges am I going to burn? Will I be accepted in my community? Will others still respect me? Will I respect myself?

“I have so much respect for your strength and focus to look after yourself and your kids. I wish I had a fraction of your strength! You are an amazing and strong and inspirational woman and mom. Thank you for always being there for me and showing me that women can handle anything that is thrown at us with strength and grace.” – K

I get you; I know what it’s like to feel stuck, frustrated, and on autopilot of the daily routine. Fulfilling my “duties” as defined by our roots. I needed more, wanted more from life.

I began to speak my mind, be strong, and be heard. I learned the difference between holding a grudge and setting boundaries. I pushed myself into uncomfortable situations, pushed against limiting beliefs, and changed my mindset that what I want is important. I am important and deserve to be happy the way I want to be.

Wow…What a feeling! I live the life I want and have taken the power back into my own hands!

What do you want to do?

Who do you want to show up as in the world?

What legacy do you want to leave?

Just as I turned it around for myself and helped my clients turn it around, you can too!

And yes, even in the face of very strong bonds to your upbringing!

Are you ready to take the first step to living your best life? If the answer is yes….

From there, anything is possible!

*Ready to start creating your dream life? Click on the button below to book your FREE 30-Minute Breakthrough Session!

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“Never doubt your capability; it is just that you haven’t given yourself the opportunity”